Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban from R1 382
Important Information to Know Before Booking a Flight
Komparetravel offers comprehensive range of cheap flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban. You can use the search box above and find the best and most affordable flight services from various cities like Cape Town, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, and different countries like the United Kingdom, United States, Thailand, Germany, Turkey, Netherlands, Mozambique to Durban. The search box has the flexibility of using the filter on a one-way trip/round trip, flight service providers, price range, and from City, etc.
Cheap Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban take two hours and twenty minutes and depart from Port Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ) to King Shaka International Airport (DUR). The combined (indirect) flights take up to 12 hrs. This incredible trip’s best Direct Flight service providers are FlySafair, Comair Limited, Airlink, Mango, British Airways, and South African Airways.
King Shaka International Airport takes 30 minutes to reach Durban City (26 kilometres). You are requested to carry a South African ID Card or Passport Original for South African Citizens. Passports are viable proof for International Tourists.
Weather in Durban
High and Low Fare Seasons on Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban
Lowest Fare Season | Highest Fare Season | Average Price on a Trip | Lowest Fare on a Trip |
May You can book a flight at 33% less compared to other months. | September You will be booking at 16% higher rates than additional months. | R2 529 | R1 561 |
Port Elizabeth to Durban flight Average Price per Trip on a Monthly Basis
Average Flights Price on Daily Basis on Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban
Flight prices to Durban from Port Elizabeth are at their highest on Fridays and lowest on Tuesday.
Popular Routes to Durban
The most popular route to Durban is Johannesburg.
Popular Airlines from Port Elizabeth to Durban
The most popular airlines from Port Elizabeth to Durban is FlySafair.
Why you should Check the Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban from
Partnership with 6 Leading Flights Booking companies – SuperSaver, FlightNetwork,,, Wingle,
One-Stop solution for Flights, Hotels, and Rental Car Booking.
We provide fantastic prices and discounts, as we compare different flight service providers, their prices, and other features.
We provide Direct, 1 Stop, and 2 Stop Flight options. Yet 95% of our availability will be around Direct Flights.
No Hidden Charges. We don’t charge any additional charges as we direct you to the travel agent or company.
Hotel charges will be most affordable under our umbrella since we partner with significantly cheaper hotels with the best amenities.
Flexible Cancellation.
Complete security on transactions as we follow the protocols by our security department.
Durban - One of the Best Places to Visit in South Africa
Are you a person who looks for Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban? Then you have to understand the key highlights of Durban:
One of the busiest city in South Africa that consists of the biggest port of the country.
This business hotspot not only attracts domestic citizens, but international travelers too.
The Warm Ocean and Tropical Climate welcome most people in the month of December to visit this city. That is the reason, the flight price shoots up to 24% higher than average charges.
The carving tourist spot in Durban is Golden Mile.
One of the best cities which is budget friendly.
You can enjoy the Sunrise Sight and World-Class Aquarium.
What are the best places to visit in Durban?
Golden Mile
Durban Botanic Gardens
Umgeni River Bird Park
Mitchell and Jameson Park
Ushaka Marine World
Moses Mabhida Stadium
Umhlanga Rocks and Phe-Zulu Safari Park
Kwamuhle Museum
Florida Road
Gateway Theatre of Shopping
Suncoast Casino
Shark Dive
Accommodation and Restaurants in Durban
You can check and book the best yet cost-effective hotels for your stay. We at Komparetravel facilitate booking hotels and rental cars for our customers to book flights to Durban. Here are a few restaurants that make memories to stay long in your tongues:
Republic, Broadway, Durban
Greedy Buddha, Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga
Parc Café, Glenwood, Durban
9th Ave Bistro, Morningside, Durban
Freedom Café, Greyville, Durban
The Oyster Box Grill Room and Ocean Terrace, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban
Delicious Sisters, Salt Rock, Durban
Mali’s Indian Restaurant, Morningside, Durban
Bel Punto, Umdloti, Durban
Fish on Florida, Morningside, Durban
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
What are the flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban that have a facility of Flexibility Cancellation?
Few Flights service providers from Port Elizabeth to Durban provide flexible cancellation due to COVID-19 issues. The flights are FlySafair, British Airways, Mango, etc. Which, Komparetravel is associated with a maximum of flights.
Can I find Flights under R2 000 from Port Elizabeth to Durban?
Yes, Komaparetravel is associated with 10+ online flight booking companies that offer passengers a wide variety of cheap flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban under R2 000, especially during May month
What is the duration and distance of Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban?
The average duration for a direct flight to Durban from Port Elizabeth is 2.20 hours. The flight journey covers almost 911.6 kilometers from Port Elizabeth International Airport (PLZ) to King Shaka International Airport (DUR).
How many flights travel from Port Elizabeth to Durban on average?
About 20+ flights travel from Port Elizabeth to Durban every day.
What days can you get Direct Flights from Port Elizabeth to Durban?
Almost 10+ direct flights are available from Monday to Friday.
About Us
Komparetravel is a South African based company that compares and monitors deal prices for flights, hotels, car hire from over a hundred booking services. Our online search engine operates all over the world through a partnership with various leading flight booking companies such as SuperSaver, FlightNetwork,,, Wingle, Our revenue is generated through affiliate network and Pay per Click advertisement. The company was founded and registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, CIPC South Africa in the year 2018.
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